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  • Participation in international competitions
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Become a patron of the arts
We thank everyone who helps our ensemble!

You can transfer any amount and these funds will go to:
Participation in international competitions
Creation of new content
Investments in marketing
Financing the work of specialists
Organization of concerts

"Shepherd trio is the only oboist ensemble in Russia...
Kristina Stepanova, founder and director
"Shepherd trio is the only oboist ensemble in Russia. The idea of ​​its creation came to me in 2017, when I studied together with Pyotr Stepanov in the first year of the conservatory in the class of Philip Nodel. Initially, I wanted to recreate its classical composition: two oboes and an English horn, but then it was difficult to find another oboist in the ensemble.So we began to play together with the piano.Together with pianist Alexandra Polyakova, we had two concerts at the Trans-Baikal Regional Philharmonic, in the Tomsk Philharmonic and Barnaul we teamed up with organist Dmitry Ushakov, at the Perm Philharmonic with an organist Evgenia Kamyanskaya.Thus, from 2017 to 2019 we gave 28 concerts at prestigious venues in Moscow and in the Philharmonics, performing music by composers of the 18th-20th centuries for oboe and piano, trio sonatas, arrangements for oboe, cor anglais and piano, famous melodies performed by English horn.
In 2020, the oboist Svyatoslav Pozdnyakov, a student of Alexei Utkin, joined us, and from that moment we became the first ensemble in Russia to revive the classic trio of oboes. We all know the piano trio, the string quartet, but few people know that along with these chamber compositions, a trio of oboes appeared. Johann Went, Franz Krommer, Ludwig van Beethoven and other composers wrote for him. Now the Shepherd trio is the only oboe trio that plays together on a regular basis, we don't get together from concert to concert, we are always together, we are a real ensemble that has played many concerts and feels each other's shoulder. This allows us to give high standards of performance. Nevertheless, we are faced with the task of constantly raising the level of performance and recording our own disc dedicated to our favorite composition - two oboes and an English horn. And my task as a leader is to bring this music to the audience."
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"Shepherd trio is the only oboist ensemble in Russia...
Kristina Stepanova, founder and director
"Shepherd trio is the only oboist ensemble in Russia. The idea of ​​its creation came to me in 2017, when I studied together with Pyotr Stepanov in the first year of the conservatory in the class of Philip Nodel. Initially, I wanted to recreate its classical composition: two oboes and an English horn, but then it was difficult to find another oboist in the ensemble.So we began to play together with the piano.Together with pianist Alexandra Polyakova, we had two concerts at the Trans-Baikal Regional Philharmonic, in the Tomsk Philharmonic and Barnaul we teamed up with organist Dmitry Ushakov, at the Perm Philharmonic with an organist Evgenia Kamyanskaya.Thus, from 2017 to 2019 we gave 28 concerts at prestigious venues in Moscow and in the Philharmonics, performing music by composers of the 18th-20th centuries for oboe and piano, trio sonatas, arrangements for oboe, cor anglais and piano, famous melodies performed by English horn.
In 2020, the oboist Svyatoslav Pozdnyakov, a student of Alexei Utkin, joined us, and from that moment we became the first ensemble in Russia to revive the classic trio of oboes. We all know the piano trio, the string quartet, but few people know that along with these chamber compositions, a trio of oboes appeared. Johann Went, Franz Krommer, Ludwig van Beethoven and other composers wrote for him. Now the Shepherd trio is the only oboe trio that plays together on a regular basis, we don't get together from concert to concert, we are always together, we are a real ensemble that has played many concerts and feels each other's shoulder. This allows us to give high standards of performance. Nevertheless, we are faced with the task of constantly raising the level of performance and recording our own disc dedicated to our favorite composition - two oboes and an English horn. And my task as a leader is to bring this music to the audience."
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