Technical rider

We ask the host to provide:

Two dressing rooms for the ensemble:

In the dressing rooms, it is necessary to have mineral water without gas, tea, coffee, pastries, a steamer, clothes hangers, general cleaning of the room before the artists arrive

"Oboe Romance"

At the rehearsals and the concert must be present:

two chairs at the piano

the piano must be tuned in all registers, stop 442

table and chair for musical instruments behind the stage

two consoles on stage

presenter for the announcement of the program, intermission, introduction of artists, story about the instruments.

sound engineer

light operator

"Musical discoveries in Vienna"

At the rehearsals and the concert must be present:

three beautiful chairs

three good remotes

sound engineer

light operator

Fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling":

At the rehearsals and the concert must be present:

two chairs at the piano

a small table for musical instruments on stage.

sound engineer

Light operator.


Fairy tale reader.

reading chair

big screen on stage

Fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

two chairs at the piano

a small table for musical instruments on stage.

sound engineer

Light operator.

Fairy tale reader.

reading chair

Conditions for the hotel: one spacious family-type hotel room and two standard-type hotel rooms. A hair dryer and a good shower are a must.

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